Bowel Care Services
Bowel Care
We are a team of specialist nurses, physiotherapists and health care assistants and together we help people manage bladder & bowel problems.
We see men and women with a range of bladder and bowel issues.
- Stress incontinence: a urine leak when you cough, sneeze, run, or exert yourself
- Urge incontinence: a urine leak after a strong and sudden urge to pass urine
- Overactive bladder: needing to pass urine more than 8 times a day
- Nocturia: – waking up more than 1 once per night
- Mixed urinary incontinence: a mix of the above
- Bowel incontinence: the inability to hold wind or stools
- Constipation: difficulty passing stools and straining
- Mild and moderate Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Prolapse
Bedwetting – wetting whilst sleeping
As a team we are aware how distressing and embarrassing problems with the bladder and bowel can be so on this website you will find useful information to start making a difference to your bladder and bowel health straight away. Lifestyle changes and pelvic floor exercises can make a great difference to your symptoms.